No matter if the label says “disposable” or “flushable,” never flush these items:
- Wipes
- Sanitary napkins, tampons and applicators
- Diapers
- Condoms
- Paper towels and rags
- Hair
- Dental floss
- Cigarette butts
- Kitty litter and doggy waste bags
- Expired or unwanted medicines
These items do not break down in the sewer. Instead, they tangle and clump and the debris creates massive obstructions that can lead to sewer back-ups.
The Truth About Flushable Wipes

“We used to flush our wipes, but they clogged our toilet. Now we throw them away.”
Even if they say flushable, wipes can clog pipes. These clogs can cause sewage to back up and overflow in your home or neighborhood. Remember to flush only the 3 Ps – poop, pee and paper. Wipes belong in the trash, not the toilet. Watch the video below to find out more about how wipes clog pipes.
Safely Disposing of Medication
Flushing expired or unwanted medications down the toilet can harm the San Francisco Bay. The best way to safely get rid of your expired and unwanted medicines is to discard of them at a designated disposal bin.
Find a proper medication disposal location here.
“I grew up flushing old pills down the toilet. Now I know that medications can pollute the Bay so I bring my expired pills to a drop box.”